📢March 2023 third release

In this latest March release, we have improved manual annotations, made task descriptions visible, and graduated the table annotation and project duplication features to the standard platform.

Enhancements to manual annotation workflow

We have improved the manual annotation process by preselecting the composite that you have highlighted, making it easier to add missing entities. We have also added numbers next to the composites names for easier identification.

Task description

Task descriptions can now be viewed alongside other task details, allowing for better communication and collaboration among team members. This feature can be especially helpful for noting special details for example "Fixing training data to recognize the name entity better".

Table annotation graduating to "🏭 Stable"

Our table annotation feature has graduated to "🏭 Stable", which means it is now a fully supported part of the platform. You can easily annotate tabular data, and save time with its efficient interface. You can now rely on it for your annotation efforts without any worry of instability.

Copy project graduating to "🏭 Stable"

Our copy project feature has also graduated to "🏭 Stable". This feature allows you to duplicate projects with ease, making it simple to setup similar projects. You can trust this feature to work reliably as it is now a fully supported part of the platform.

Last updated