
Currently, there is only one way to send the output information to your systems. If you require an integration that you think should be supported out of the box, send your suggestion to Metamaze through the feedback button.


If you want to use IP allowlisting for your API, please allowlist the following IPs: # Legacy Metamaze # Legacy Metamaze # Legacy Metamaze # Legacy Metamaze # Duco prod2 # Duco prod2 # Duco prod2 # Duco prod1 # Duco prod1 # Duco prod1

The REST API is a simple and flexible way to retrieve and use the extracted data in your own solutions. With this integration option, you can integrate with other tools & systems and streamline your workflow.

API authentication method


API url

The API url to your system that will receive the output from Metamaze.

Export type

You can export the data from Metamaze in the following formats out-of-the-box:

  • JSON

  • CSV

If a different format is required, our professional services team is available to assist, but additional fees may apply.

Security protocol

You can choose between the following protocols:

  • Token authentication You can configure the token, we will use this token to authorize our requests to your server

  • Basic authentication Username and password are provided by you, we will use this to authorize our requests to your server

  • SSL/TLS Certificate-based Mutual SSL authentication

  • OAuth2

    • Token-based authentication for third-party applications, protecting user credentials

  • None strips all authentication HTTP headers

Notify when validation is required

When this option is enabled, the output webhook "ProcessDocumentsJobStatusAndResultsWebhook" will be triggered when an upload requires validation.

Choose API version & include extra data in the output API call



The version of the API contract to use. We advise to always use the most recent one:

The OCR'ed documents as `processedPDF`

This will include the document, that the OCR engine returned, in a base64 format as extra data in the output ("processedPDF")

(a link to the original uploaded file can always be found in our output)

Detected document language as `language`

Include the detected language from the OCR for the document

The reference (to annotation, document or different linked enrichment) from a linked enrichment as `link`

Include a reference to annotation, document or enrichment for enrichments.

The Outlook identifier of the upload as `mailId` (if the Outlook integration was enabled)

Include the outlook identifier when a mail was processed. This is handy when you want to perform custom actions with the email through a custom output or through an RPA platform.

Last updated